Über die Frau

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Supply and Demand

I finally got my Frankfurt Pass today! Woohoo! It only took a little trail and error. :) To celebrate, I met up with my friend Kristen to go shopping! Today was my first day really shopping in Frankfurt! I needed some light, beach clothes for our vacation next week, so I hit up H&M in town. Normally I'm not a big fan of shopping, but today was fun trying on different sizes to see what I wore - since I have no perspective on their sizes here, I didn't feel like I had to fit in to a certain size - I just wore what fit! It was a great feeling. :) I got a dress, shorts, and bathing suit bottoms for under 30 euro! The au pair life is a good one, but constantly lacking funds is definitely a huge downside - but totally worth it. Now I just need to find a bathing suit top to match ...:P.

I knew I'd be biking a lot today, so I skipped the run - figured my legs needed the break after the speed workout yesterday anyway. After a short morning yoga routine, breakfast this morning was Overnight Oats. Last night, I soaked 1/3c. oats, 2/3c. soy milk, 1 tbsp. flax, and 2 drops of Butter-Vanille Aroma. This morning, I topped it with Banana Soft Serve with vanilla yogurt, 2 tbsp. granola, toasted walnuts, and shredded coconut.

Most of the ingredients:
I'm working on the recipe for a Banana Cream Pudding oatmeal - recipe will hopefully come tomorrow - oats soaking as I sleep! Can't wait!

By the time I got home, it was already after 5 - I figured I could either wait for dinner or make a green smoothie. Of course I chose the latter. ;) I wound up biking around 20km to and from the city center, so I was ready for an energy boost. My host father made dinner tonight - turkey wraps with yogurt dressing. They were delicious! I wish I'd taken a picture, but sometimes it's hard with so many people running around. I had half a tortilla for my first one and a huge lettuce leaf for my second one. :) We have to finish the lettuce from the garden before we leave, or it's all going to waste! Today the girls and I found two huge snails crawling out of the sink we washed the lettuce in - mmmmm. :)

For dessert, I made myself a little fruit salad:
Doesn't look like much, but it's one of my favorites! 

Dessert Fruit Salad- Serves 1

Fruit : whatever you have! Mine was: 

1/2 Banana
1/4 apple
1/4 pear
1/2 plum


2 tbsp. lowfat plain or soy yogurt
1/8 tsp. ceylon cinnamon
1 tbsp. sultans
1 tsp. shredded coconut

Cut fruit into medium-sized chunks and toss with dressing! Voila! You can also top with a bit of stevia if you want it a little sweeter, but the fruit is usually sweet enough for me. 

Now off to watch Jeopardy - have a lot to do tomorrow to start getting ready for our trip! Tschau!

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